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Non-Woven Belt 6" x 48" Coarse

Non-Woven Belt 6" x 48" Coarse

Brand: Norton, Width: 6", Length: 48", Abrasive: Aluminum Oxide, Grade: Coarse, Series: GD, Color: Brown
Item #: NOR 08834194057
Merit Abrasotex Non-Woven Belts - Type GD
Aluminum Oxide Abrasive
For those occasions when you need a less aggressive belt, Merit Abrasotex Belts are your answer. For use on metal, wood blending, cleaning, scratch removal, dings and other defects.

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Item Specifications

  • Norton
  • Aluminum Oxide
  • Brown
  • Coarse
  • 48"
  • GD
  • 6"